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VHS Per-Albin-Hansson
Church services location


The Courtyard
School and ministry building

Our Church

4Corners is an international church within the charismatic branch of the Association of Pentecostal Free Churches of Austria.


4Corners Christian Fellowship was founded in 2005 by Wolfgang and Angela Pöschl. When the church was forming, God gave a picture of a building with pillars in each of the four corners, each with a specific purpose. From this came the name 4Corners Christian Fellowship.

We see these as four of the keys which will unlock the full potential of every believer as we work together to fulfill the Great Commission.

In 2014, Chris and Starla Pöschl took over senior leadership at 4Corners and, together with the leadership team, they continue to pursue the vision God gave to the church, to see heaven released on earth.

Our Vision

Our desire is to build a kingdom community, connected in love and together pursuing encounters with the presence of God and power of Holy Spirit, in order to transform our world with the love of Jesus.

Our Principles

We want everyone in the Kingdom community to:

  • Be Seen

  • Belong

  • Be Equipped

  • Be Sent 


Our Church

About Us

Our Values


  • Pursue the tangible PRESENCE OF GOD in everyday life

  • Bring people into a living, personal RELATIONSHIP WITH GOD through Jesus

  • Saturate hearts with the WORD OF GOD for the transforming and renewing of the mind

  • Empower children, youth and adults to operate in the GIFTS OF THE HOLY SPIRIT

  • FULFILL THE CALL to the nations through personal evangelism

  • Release physical, emotional, spiritual and mental HEALING AND RESTORATION by the power of the Holy Spirit

  • HELP THOSE IN NEED through social outreach and ongoing support

  • Enjoy the FREEDOM OF GOD'S SPIRIT in an international atmosphere

  • Encourage PROPHETIC WORSHIP in song, dance, and art

  • Provide a place where all who come can find a sense of belonging in the FAMILY OF GOD

  • Release people into their GOD-GIVEN DESTINY

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What We Believe

  • There is ONE TRUE GOD, Creator of everything, who has revealed Himself as FATHER, SON, AND HOLY SPIRIT—three yet One.

  • GOD IS GOOD always, and His love, grace, mercy and faithfulness are never-ending.

  • The BIBLE is the only authoritative, infallible and inspired WORD OF GOD.

  • SALVATION is through FAITH in Jesus Christ alone.

  • We are CREATED IN GOD'S IMAGE, forgiven and made new through Jesus’ death and resurrection, and we REIGN WITH CHRIST as heirs of His promises, no longer sinners but SAINTS.

  • The GIFTS AND POWER of the Holy Spirit are available to us today, for the building up of the church and as a DEMONSTRATION OF THE LOVE OF GOD to the world.

  • The promises and covenants God made with His people, ISRAEL, still stand today, being fulfilled through Jesus, who now provides ACCESS TO GOD for both Jew and Gentile.

  • We are the LIVING EPISTLES of Christ, letters written by the Holy Spirit, through which the world can come to know Him.

Image by Edward Cisneros

Lead Team


Hanna & Edwin Keller

Lead Team


Claudia & Samuel Krupensky

Lead Team


Starla & Chris Pöschl

Senior Leaders

Senior Leadership


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Andrea Spurny



Chris & Starla Pöschl

Senior Leaders


©2025 by 4Corners Christian Fellowship

Address: VHS PAHO | Ada-Christen-Gasse 2, 1100 Vienna, Austria
4Corners @the Courtyard | Quellenstraße 159, 1100 Vienna, Austria



4 Corners Christian Fellowship is a church within the charismatic branch of the Association of Pentecostal Free Churches of Austria.

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