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Pursuing Heaven
Intimacy with Christ

What we're about

Our desire is to build a kingdom community, grounded in the Word of God and together pursue encounters with the presence of God and power of Holy Spirit, in order to transform our world with the love of Jesus.

The Four Corners


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We were created for the glory of God. (Isaiah 43:7) When we worship Him, we fulfil our purpose on this earth. Whether we use song, dance, words or any other creative impulse, our desire is as that of David, who longed to dwell in the very manifest presence of God all the days of his life and to stand in awe of His beauty. 


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Intimacy with Christ

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Prayer & Intercession

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We are the body of Christ, and each of us is a part of it. (1 Corinthians 12:27) As we join with other churches in the city as well as beyond its borders, we long to be brought to complete unity, even if we might not be in theological agreement, that we might let the world know how much God loves them, just as Jesus prayed. (John 17:23)

Intimacy with Jesus is what transforms religion into relationship, a worker into a lover, and Sunday Christianity into an everyday lifestyle of joy and hope. We long for our loving Father to continuously give us the Spirit of wisdom and revelation to know Him more. (Ephesians 1:17)

Our calling as followers of Jesus is to love God and love people. One aspect of that call is prayer—communion with Him as the Friend and Father who never fails. Another is intercession—bringing others before Him so they, too, can have a revelation of His goodness in every situation.

A Kingdom Community

Be Seen

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Anyone coming to one of our services should feel welcomed and seen. Whether you are here for a few weeks, a season, or you live here permamently, we want you to know that you are valuable. 


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Be Equipped

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Be Sent

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We want you to know that you belong to the family of God, represented by the local church. Our desire is to help you find your identity in Christ, in the church and in this world. If you know you belong, then you know that your life matters.

Being a part of what God is doing in Vienna and Austria is as exciting as it gets. We want to train you to live the Kingdom of God anywhere you go and impact your surroundings with the love of Jesus.

Christians are the light of the world and only as we go into our surrounding environment we will show the glory of God. Being sent is the ultimate fulfilment of the great commandment to "Go into all the world and preach the Gospel."


Service times

Sundays from 5-7:30 p.m.
@ VHS PAHO Main Hall

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Sunday Service


Image by Nathan Dumlao
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Image by Priscilla Du Preez

LIFE Groups


Revival Nights

Every last Wednesday
of the month

      7 p.m @TheCourtyard

Image by Jack Sharp

Healing Rooms


Image by Aditya Saxena

Liberty Ministries

Image by Priscilla Du Preez

Living the Kingdom
School of Transformation

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Outreach & Evangelism

Image by James Coleman

Prophetic Ministry


Creative Arts

Anchor 1

Lead Team


Starla & Chris Pöschl
Senior Leaders


Hanna & Edwin Keller


Claudia & Samuel Krupensky

©2025 by 4Corners Christian Fellowship

Address: VHS PAHO | Ada-Christen-Gasse 2, 1100 Vienna, Austria
4Corners @the Courtyard | Quellenstraße 159, 1100 Vienna, Austria



4 Corners Christian Fellowship is a church within the charismatic branch of the Association of Pentecostal Free Churches of Austria.

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